How to monetize your blog using


How to monetize your blog using

In this blog post, you are going to learn how to monetize your blog using

There are various ways to make money blogging, but getting the right method for your website isn't easy, the most popular ways of making money as a blogger are, using Ads network or affiliate marketing.

Must Read: How to make money blogging | 5 best ways

But in this blog post, there is nothing like affiliate marketing or running Ads but instead, people pay you to publish their articles on your site.

Without talking many let's know more about flyout.

What is

Flyout is a free, easy way to earn money by placing sponsored content on your blog. home

To sign up for, Click here. Once you've clicked on it it will open a new window where flyout will be opened, the home page is as shown above. 

Once you reach the home page click on signup...

After you've clicked on signup you will see a new page like this. eligibility checker

Where you are required to check for site eligibility. To check for eligibility kindly enter your website/blog URL and click on check eligibility.

Once you've clicked on "CHECK ELIGIBILITY" then they will open the next step where you have to verify your website URL.

Flyout domain verifier

To verify your URL is not a hard task, all you have to do is choose from the three options given:

1.Verify with HTML Meta Tag (Recommended).
2. Verify with HTML File.
3. Verify with DNS Record.

To verify your domain using HTML meta tag is the best because it is easy and instant verification, all you have to do is copy the meta tag they've given you, head over to your site/blog, 

open your HTML editor and place the code in the <head> section before the first <body> section. After you've added the code to your site click on save, go back to flyout and click on verify and you are done very easily.

Once you have verified the ownership of the domain, you will be redirected to the next step where you have to insert your blog details.

Website info

Such as website URL, your phone number, category and price. When setting the price I will advise you to choose $5 so that you can get orders fast. You can always change the price.

flyout signup process

After you are done with all the above process now, you will be redirected to the next step which is also the last step, where you will create an account. 

Creating your account is very simple and straight forward. All you have to do is follow each and every step or prompt you are asked to, make sure to read every message sent to your email address.

Approval normally takes between 24 to 48hours, so after you signup just wait for at least 24 hours.

They also have an affiliate program where you earn $15 for any approved account that registered through your referral link.

Use my link.

Related: 5 Ads network that gives instant approval

Conclusion. is one of the best ways of monetizing blogs because you earn money while adding more high-quality content to your site.

 I hope you give it a try and start earning money while increasing your bog content.

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