102 profitable blog niche ideas

 In this article am going to drop the 102 niche ideas and how you can select a profitable blog niche.

Starting a blog is pretty easy but choosing the right topic to write about is hard.

Most new bloggers start blogging without analyzing the niche that suits them nor checking if the niche is profitable or not,

so they start finding it difficult in creating new content and end up not making much money to renew their host or domain.

When they encounter these problems, then they have a second choice of giving up on blogging.

But am happy you find this tutorial so I want you to get a cup of coffee or water and migrate to a quiet pace so you don’t get distracted by kids or friends.

I want you to read and understand each sentence in this article before deciding on a topic to blog about,

so you don’t make any mistakes on your blogging journey because my mission on this blog is to make you a successful blogger and not an unsuccessful blogger.

Related: How To Rank YouTube Videos On The First Page Of Google.

Now your question maybe “What is this tutorial actually talking about” hope am right?

In this tutorial am going to show you the best method on how to pick a profitable blog topic and am also going to give a list of

102 site topic clues and also give you tips on how you can know the best for you.

I believe in your mind you may be asking what is actually a site niche.

Without taking much time let’s div in.

What is a website Niche?

A blog niche is an explicit topic you’ll write (or make other types of content) about on your blog or website.

You may have come across other definitions for blog topics, yeah non is wrong because everyone has their own perspective or angle at which they see things.

Now is time to drop the 

100+ profitable site topic scheme.

                                                Credit to blogging wizard

Now you may be asking yourself “How can I choose the best blog topic that suits me?

Hope am right? Oops, you are right buddy!

How to choose a profitable blog niche

  1. Devising Your Niche
  2.  Recognize Your Passions
  3. Corroborate Your Top Picks
  4. Conduct Keyword Research
  5. Can You Monetize it?

Devising Your Niche

The first phase to finding your perfect niche is by Devising! If you are really determined to stay in this blogging game for the long term,

it is important to choose a niche you are zealous about. try to find a particular topic you love talking about,

you will have a high probability of being successful without wasting much time and doing effortless work.

If you like your topic it will be easier for you to get new post ideas because you are already working on what you like doing.

The tip here is to Think before you start and make sure you do what you like and like what you do.

 Recognize Your Passions

Here you may be saying “Hey buddy I already know what I like and what I dislike” Precisely! To commence, 

make a list of the things you find yourself doing day in day out, and try to consider some angles;

  1. What are your hobbies?
  2. What do you do in your free time?
  3. What’s topic do you like to talk about or read about?
  4. What programs were you interested in school?
  5. If you had a choice to do anything in life and not worry about money, what would it be?
  6. You could also look to outside sources for information too!

Corroborate Your Top Picks

Now I am assuming you’ve chosen a niche. Now it’s time to see if your chosen focus has a future.

Here, you have to analyze if there will be an audience that will have interest in your blog and this is a biosphere you can be successful at long round.

Because even if you have chosen the best niche but you don’t have enough traffic then making money with it will be very difficult, the mathematics I use here is;

Content + Audience= passive income

Try to think with your other self before you continue with your research.

Areas to consider

  1. How fervent are you about this topic?
  2. Is the topic common to other people?
  3. Is there any type of pecuniary perspective for this topic?

 Conduct Keyword Research

Now is time to enter level two of this mission which is to know how hard or easy for you to be successful in this topic you’ve chosen,

but some tools that can help you do this a great epitome of this are kwfinder, ahrefs and google suggest.

Can You Monetize it?

Amigo this where you get to know if you will be smiling from the bank or not. The strategy we are going to use here is called “espionage”

which means you are going to learn from other blogs that are successful with your niche study their site to see how they make money.

Once you get a clue about how they make money, then ask yourself can you also do want they are doing.

Related: How to make money blogging | 5 best ways

Related: 7 Steps to Picking the Right Niche for Your Blog


Starting a blog is an electrifying process! It’s astonishing to be able to make money with your interests and share them with the world.

Being able to get a niche is one of the toughest parts of the process,

so I hope that my tips above will help you find the perfect topic. 

Once you’re ready to get started, explore our website to see more ideas and get more knowledge about blogging!

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