5 Mistakes Made in Affiliate Marketing.


Mistakes made in affiliate marketing

Everyone has to start somewhere. And, total newbies in digital marketing, the best place for you to start is affiliate marketing products.

 Instead of going through the difficult and expensive method of creating your product of uncertain quality and then trying to sell it to the public, 

why not start by promoting a product that is well set up and comes from someone who is already popular and has been credited? 

You could save a lot of time, frustration, and money, and in this process, you may be making money and also learning more. 

Most of the top digital marketers today still sell an affiliate product, even though they make millions of dollars, have you asked yourself why? Because is still a fantastic way of making money and it requires less effort.

     Now that I have enlightened you a little, it's important to mention that affiliate marketing is not a stroll on the park, but is like anything else, there are a lot of snags just waiting to ingest you and your little money. 

Please, do yourself a great favor and take my advice so that you don't find yourself among the mistakes., In this section, I will go over the top 5 mistakes made in affiliate marketing.

1.Choosing the wrong Product to Promote  

       As an affiliate marketer, you should know that not all product have equal value. 
 Honestly speaking, that is possibly your motivator behind your decision to promote affiliate products: for the most part, you have accepted that there are plenty of high-quality products already on the market; and, if you create your own, it might not compare favorably.

Before you decide on the exact product to promote, you should check the rating of the product, the popularity, and how many sales have been made concerning time. Rather than selecting products arbitrarily due to the high commission rate. 
A product with a high volume of sales and highly ranked must be the best for that specific niche.
In addition to picking a good product that bases on a specific niche, you should also consider choosing a good niche. 
   Here's a stupid tip that will give you a better understanding of my point nonetheless: don't sell hoodies in the summer. No one will buy. Focus on products that a lot of people want; and if their popularity just swelled, now is the best time to get in the market.

2.Picking a Low Converter  

As an affiliate marketer, your goal is to make money from the hard work of others; and from the dough, they have invested in copywriters, product developers, and software. If you are promoting a product that lacks all these advantages, then your chances of making a profit will be less.

Take this, for instance, conversion rates. Not all product creators do hire top-level copywriters. To be frank with you, 60 percent of them write their copy.

   Also, many don't even pay designers to do a proper design for their sales page, instead, they try to do it themselves which in the end looks hideous and converts poorly.

Before you start endorsing any particular service or product, make sure to read the sales page carefully and compare it with others. 

Do you feel obligated to buy? Did the graphics throw you off? Did the copy fail to reel you in for the catch? These can all amount to fatal errors for both the seller and you. 

You cannot help the seller at this point, but you can avoid his product or service and find a better one. Do yourself a favor: choose your products carefully.  

3: Picking Products that Offer Paltry Commissions

If you're marketing to a list of people, they're only going to consider so many product offers in a given time, so when selecting your product to promote. 

Make sure you select them wisely. If you are marketing a product that offers only 30% commission for you, then you're at a loss on the time. 

In reality, you could find a product that's similar to that offers 60% to 70% commission.
When it comes to the actual currency value of the commission – don't sweat that as much.

 While many top Internet marketers have the motive that they concentrate on promoting high-ticket items (because with only a few sales they will generate a lot of money), you can still make a killing selling relatively cheap reports. The increasing fame of the $10 report is proof of this fact.  So forget about these cheap- sellers and forget the prices.

Be patient when starting up as an affiliate marketer. It requires more time and effort to be a successful marketer. By: Godday Mayor.

4: Not Collecting Leads  

When it comes to internet marketing, collecting leads should be your best friend. Instead of driving traffic through Pay Per Click(PPC), Search Engine Optimization(SEO), and other methods and then sending that traffic to your affiliate link, you should make an effort to convert them into list members first. 

Why? Two reasons: simple mathematical reasoning and the collective experience of many marketers.  

The simple mathematical reasoning goes something like this: virtually everyone who would have purchased the product will opt into your mailing list. 

And many who definitely would not have purchased the product will opt into your mailing list you can do this using e-mail marketing software like active campaign, Mailchimp, etc. 

Instead of converting at a rate of around 1-3% (in affiliate sales), you will convert between 15 and 40% of visitors (to your mailing list).

 From there, you will get the chance to contact the willing buyers and the more reluctant. 

Additionally, once they're on a list, this is no longer a one-off effort. With this done, you get the opportunity to market them whenever you have a product you think they need.

As a marketer, one of the best tools you have available is your list. Always, always, always use your list over the one-off sale.  

5: Overlooking the Importance of Timeliness  

When it comes to business in general, the fastest often outcompete those ingenious with greater resources. 

Today, Google is no longer a small company with meager revenues, but in some donkey years ago, it emerged from nowhere to outcompete massively well-endowed rivals; and it did so with cunning.  

How does this affect you? To be a successful affiliate product promoter, you have to do more than simply sending an affiliate link in an e-mail to a couple of thousands of audience. 

If you truly want them to buy your product, your e-mail should be remarkable- not sending affiliate links only.

If you can frankly write your emails as if it were a news notice, you have more chance of drawing attention than if you are sending a link to a digital marketing eBook written in 1990 and wasn't even popular then.

 You need to look for product launches that as an "event" Find something so big and important that people will follow, react, and comment on it. 

When you can find such a product, you must create your release, based on the original release of the product. You will make sure that you lure your list members to buy from you, instead of another list owner.

To summarize this point: pay your best attention to the clock and the calendar. If there's a big launch coming up, you need to capitalize on it quickly. There may not be a second window for opportunity. So take it when you have it.


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Final thought

So how does all of this come together? As you read, there are five mistakes made in affiliate marketing. If you fall into them, your affiliate marketing will put you in debt, rather than making you wealthy.  

So how can you avoid these traps, make better decisions, and ultimately become wealthy via affiliate marketing? First, start by selecting the product that is good and your audience will love. As I mentioned previously, a product with less demand rate will make less to no sales, it doesn't matter how hard or the strategy you used to promote it. If the demand rate is not there you can't create it either. Don't try.  

Next, in that specific niche you notice that you are in high demand, look for a product that is a winner. Look for a product that converts very well. You can do this by looking for high-popularity, high-gravity products on Clickbank. You can also do this by spying sales pages to find the ones with extremely convincing copy, good bonuses, and a cool price rate.

With all of that said, you're now ready to take a crack at affiliate marketing. There are a lot of risks involved, but you already know the big five; avoid these, and you'll sail through into profit, following the trail of past super affiliates.   

Must Read: 6 Best Affiliate Programs for Bloggers

Have you ever find yourself guilty of any of the mistakes above? Let me know in the comment section how you overcome it.

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